Information on how a search of our site works:
  1. Every word in a search query is a subject of search. The minimum length of the query (and the word in the query, which is taken into account when searching) is 3 characters.
  2. The result of the search is fragments of the texts containing the search query. The search query hits are in bold.
  3. If the tumbler "exact match" is enabled, the search results will exactly contain the words of the search query. Otherwise, different forms of words are taken into account. The minimum length of the query (and the word in the query, which is taken into account when searching) is 2 characters.
  4. When selecting a section of the site in the a drop-down list, the search is carried out only in the materials of this chosen section. Otherwise, the result is displayed from findings from all sections, broken down into blocks.
  5. Search results can be sorted by relevance and date (from new to old, top-down) by linking under the search bar.
The search query may not be less than 3 characters.
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