ALRUD experts prepared an article for IPBA on regulation of Metaverse

ALRUD experts prepared an article for IPBA on regulation of Metaverse

13 October 2022

The September issue of The Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) Journal relating to legal issues of Metaverse features an article by ALRUD experts entitled “Regulatory Trends Concerning the Metaverse in Russia”.

In the article the experts presented a brief overview of the current Russian regulatory trends which may have influence on the Metaverse, and provided a forecast of possible legal changes as it continues to evolve.

The article was prepared by Dina Kravchenko, ALRUD Senior Associate, Eva-Maria Shakhmaeva, ALRUD Trainee, and Maxim Alekseyev, ALRUD Senior Partner.

The Inter-Pacific Bar Association ('IPBA') is an international association of business and commercial lawyers with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

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