Margarita Egiazarova will speak at the AEB open event "Eternal" legal problems of labor relations"

Margarita Egiazarova will speak at the AEB open event "Eternal" legal problems of labor relations"

31 May 2024

On 11 June 2024 AEB Labour Law Sub-Committee will hold an open event of AEB Human Resources Committee on: “Eternal” legal problems of labour relations” devoted to the topical issues of labour law and HR-practices.

Margarita Egiazarova, PhD in Law, Senior Associate in ALRUD Labour and Employment Practice, will speak on: “Other forms of termination: lack of trust and incompatibility with the job”.

The following topics will also be addressed during the event:

  • Monetary liability of the employees;

  • Labour relations during the summer period;

  • Current practice of dismissals for disclosure of confidential information. New wording of Article 256 of the Labour Code: what has changed in terms of protected employees’ categories and beyond.

Read more about the event at the link.

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